Monday, October 2, 2017

Our September

Greetings All!  Our September went really fast!  It is strange to think that the season is changing to fall back in IL right now.  The weather here is still very warm, but not as hot as it was in August.  We had a wiener roast one night at Plattner's to make it feel more like fall here :)

The Missionary Kids had "Colorless Day" at School one Friday!

Another day they had "Dress Like Your Parents Day"

The Missionary kids like to get together outside of school too.  One day they shot water balloons off our roof.

One Saturday we went to Camp Mahanaim down by Cayes.  It was really interesting meeting the Wrays and learning more about the mission there.  Several other missionaries from the area were there as well.  It was a relaxing day and we all enjoyed it!!

These two turned 2 and 4!

One candle for a 2 year old :)

Cy wanted "everyone" to come to his birthday party.  We hosted Wednesday night church the day after his birthday, so he got his party!! 

Presents from Selah and Komari :)

Birthday mail came ON Cy's Birthday, so exciting for him!!!

Lucas made the boys a swing set for their birthday gift

We also got some care packages! Thank you each one for your thoughtfulness! It was a happy surprise and reminds us of the people we love back home!

The boys like to take this picture frame down and talk about the people in it :)

Lucas had an eventful week at the end of September, 2 transformers needed replaced.  The height and high voltage was a scary situation, but God protected and the job got done safety! 

Here he is fixing something in SOP.  

Some days the little boys and I go sing at the hospital with Joan Plattner, these days are a highlight of the week!  I love it when Haitian patients and family members join in.  Joan also watches the boys for me sometimes if I need to go down to the hospital.  We are thankful for her!

Here the boys are handing out tracts after singing.

          We are thankful for the work that is being done on our mountain road!  Those of you that
            have been down it before the work can appreciate this! It isn't all done, but we are thankful for            what is!


           Visitors from home!!! Just what we needed!! Karl and Bethany Edelman came to Bonne Fin            on an Awareness Tour and we got to spend a wonderful evening with them while they were here!            You can learn more about Awareness Tours on HarvestCall's website.

Cy loves helping Elifranz work in the yard! He is very patient, and loves the kids so much!

Henry was so excited to see a bunch of little pigs on our walk home one day, he followed them a long ways!

One day the boys got into a little trouble while mom was busy doing dishes!

We went to church in Cayes one Sunday at the HarvestCall building at Cite Lumiere.  It is a gathering of missionaries in the area, not just from HarvestCall.  We had 3 visiting ministers that Sunday!  It was refreshing to be able to see the minister during the service, and the singing is always wonderful!!  This is Henry's friend Raphie.

Last Sunday we went to Polika church.  Falens (our language teacher) invited us.  It is about a 3 mile, 20 minute drive, up the mountain in a land cruiser.  It is a poorer area than Bonne Fin and a lot of the houses were still showing the effects of Hurricane Matthew.  These are the moments you don't take pictures of, but mean the most.  It was a very moving Sunday of singing praises and hearing the Word (Falens translated for us).  There is ONE Lord and He visited that church on Sunday!

                     Starting with this blog, I would like to ask for prayers for some people we've met. 

Please pray for Garabie this month.  He is an orphan living with his aunt.  He is 12 and has a soft heart.  His parents taught him about God and Jesus, now his aunt is doing the same.  


Also, please pray for Dorceulus Enos.  He is a quadriplegic who was left at the hospital.  He loves to sing hymns with us!

So, that was our September.  God bless you all!  We appreciate your love and prayers!  Know that we are sending them right back as we hear of the situations happening back home.  Please leave a comment, it means a lot!

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."  Matthew 24:35

In Christ's love and ours,

Lucas & Raya, Alayna, Tucker, Cy and Henry